Projects Writing


The book as place

I want you to consider the book as place because books are defined by their distinct boundaries and the space they contain. As place the book holds things as obvious as an author’s words and ideas, but it also carries your attention. Place is distinct in its position and relationship to a surrounding geography. So a book on a shelf, in a bag, or in hand relates differently in each setting. Thus the book establishes…

Reading in place

While peering around a sports bar I see a young lady reading a book. This girl is not trying to read—as I would be in a place with so little serenity—but is un-distractedly reading. She is dressed in loose-fitting, jersey knit, clothing. I cannot say for sure if she is in anyway affiliated with the logo on her sweatshirt. It is close to the end of this Fall semester, so this scene might have something…

These are Memes

I spend a good deal of my time online, complimented by thinking about this thing I am using. I wonder how it affects my memory, my thinking, and/or my interactions with people [in real life]. This network emerged as I entered my early adolescence and is where much of my culture lives. Groups and subgroups [e]merge solely because of the internet, while others join in upon realizing its ability to amplify their reach. Like Borges’…

You, reader

The internet, as we know it, is like the warehouse at the end of Raiders of the Lost Arc. Enlightenment is hidden en masse.

You read and search for passages that are never resolved. You finish a piece of news and rarely seek follow-up.

There is little room for rumination. Texts become bookmarks mislaid or otherwise archived and forgotten. The internet is boundless, its contents blurred. There is satisfaction in holding a thing, closing and…

How we read

I would like to begin with a story, and like all captivating accounts it will be about struggle. I am plagued with poor penmanship. That used to be something that was graded in elementary school, and I was appraised accordingly. I cannot keep a steady rhythm in writing. I use the physical act of pen to paper to punctuate my thoughts more than I rely on appropriate marks. I feel deeply connected to the implement…
